Indoor Summer Bowling
The indoor facility is open from May to September for indoor bowling for those who choose not to bowl outdoors.
It is used for mixed bowling which takes place on weekdays and a separate subscription is charged.
The section is popular and growing and there are a number of match fixtures against other clubs which can be enjoyed.
- May to September
- Bowling for everyone of all abilities
- Open 8.30am until 6.00pm Monday to Friday
- Full fixture list of matches with other clubs
- 6 rinks available
- Free coaching
- Beginners only sessions
- Mixed ability sessions
- Free play
- Mixed, men only and ladies only sessions
- Fun days
Useful links
Summer Indoor Bowling Programme
Ballot Organisers, Committee Members & Directors
Summer Indoor Ballots
MON | Premier League Mixed Triples | 12 Noon to 2PM | Terry McCusker |
TUES | Mixed Ballot | 11AM to 1PM | Jan Brown |
WED | Mixed Ballot | 10AM to 12 Noon | Suzie Dubey |
THU | Mixed Ballot | 10AM to 12 Noon | Jan Brown |
FRI | Football League | 10AM to 12 Noon | Tony Affleck |
Summer Indoor Committee
Summer Indoor Captain | Terry McCusker |
Match Secretary | Mike Hourahine |
Ladies Vice Captain | Kevin Wainhouse |
Mens Vice Captain | Suzie Dubey |
Committee member | Vacant |
Committee member | Jan Brown |
Committee member | Tony Affleck |
Committee member | Daid Taylor |
President and Directors
President | John Cocoracchio |
Chairman - Licensee, Maintenance | Kevin Gawne |
Finance | Vacant |
Company Secretary, Administration | Jackie Lambert |
Health & Safety | Di Double |
Publicity, Promotion, Web Site | David Goldberg |
Bar, Catering & Room Hire | Liz Bowmer |
Membership, Grounds, Greens | Margaret Smith |